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New Beginnings

A Path to Wellness


New Earth Therapy is Moving!

Exciting changes are afoot - my current place of practice, New Earth Therapy, is moving to a new location as of July 1st, 2023.  In this new location, which is only a few blocks away from our current location, we will have more space plus free parking for everyone!  We will be located at #4 - 305 Idylwyld Drive North.  This is the old train station building and we will occupy the entire second floor, above Tomas the Cook restaurant.


Please note that currently our new office is only accessible by a flight of stairs.  If you cannot climb stairs and you would like to book in, please call the clinic and I will find an alternative option for you.


If you would like to book an appointment to see me, you now have a few different options:

Online booking:

Phone or Text to book: 306-514-8238

Email to book:

Take the Journey...

Imagine a life without pain.  A life where sleep is deep and natural, energy is abundant, moods are balanced, and illness is temporary - a warning signal that is addressed and resolved.  It is possible.  


Health is not merely the absence of disease, it is a return to the source of your well-being.  I am here to support you on your journey back to this place of optimal wellness.  As a naturopathic doctor, I will take the time to understand your health from a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual perspective.  I will work with you to find and resolve the root cause of your imbalances so that your health can be fully restored.  


If you are reading this, you have already begun your healing journey.  My job will be to understand your path, provide you with tools for the trip, and help you find your way back to your best and most vital self.

Why Naturopathic Medicine
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Dry Leaf

Meet Dr. Michelle Marcoux, ND

Naturopathic Doctor (and prairie girl at heart)

Growing up on a farm in rural Saskatchewan played a significant role in shaping my future career as a 

Naturopathic Doctor.  My family grew a lot of our own food and we prepared most of our meals from scratch.  Most of my friends were siblings or cousins, and the great outdoors was our playground and primary source of entertainment.  From this prairie upbringing grew an appreciation for the basic fundamentals of good health - whole, home-cooked foods, community, and fresh air and sunshine.  Although it wasn’t immediately clear how I could translate this understanding into a career, I knew I needed to do something with my life that allowed me to share those values with others.


While I was attending the U of S and working towards my B. Sc. in Anatomy and Cell Biology, I met a Naturopathic Doctor who practiced in Saskatoon.  Dr. Jacqui Fleury first became my Naturopathic Doctor, then my employer, then my friend and mentor.  Thanks to her, I discovered a path that encompassed all the values that I had absorbed in my childhood on the farm.  


Once I finished my B. Sc., I moved to Vancouver BC to do my 4 years of post-graduate studies in Naturopathic Medicine.  After completing school at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine and passing the national and provincial licensing exams, I continued my education in the field.  In addition to the Bowen Therapy certification, I completed a pharmacology and prescribing intensive with a licensing exam in order to obtain a license to prescribe prescription drugs in BC.  This allowed me to do two important things: help patients reduce or discontinue their prescription drugs in a safe and supervised way, and help patients use natural therapies safely in conjunction with their prescription drugs.


As I began my practice in BC, I became very interested in pregnancy, fertility, and pediatric health.  In order to further my education, I focused my continuing education in these areas and obtained additional certifications in therapies pertinent to these interests.  I also began teaching physical exam and clinical skills to students at my alma mater, where I quickly learned that teachers learn just as much, if not more, than the students they are teaching. As my practice has evolved, I find myself pulled more toward  learning about and supporting mental health and wellness.  The more I practice, the more I see that the root cause of most illness lies in how we manage and perceive the stress and trauma that occurs in our lives.


But despite all the great experience I had in BC, I always knew I would come back to SK one day to practice and raise my family, and in the summer of 2013 I made that knowing a reality.  Being back in Saskatoon with my husband and two sons truly feels like coming home.  My family, the sense of community, the slower pace of life, and the values still exist here help to re-affirm that I really am a prairie girl at heart.    I am very excited to have a Naturopathic practice based on prairie values in a place where those values are still recognized and appreciated.  The purpose of my practice is to listen and provide a safe space,  to meet people where they are, and to help them reach their goals and find their way on the path to optimal health.  My hope is that the people of Saskatchewan will find value in the services I am offering.


In between practicing Naturopathic Medicine and being a mom, I do manage to find some time for myself.  In this precious spare time, my favorite things to do include taking a nice hot bath, going on long walks outside, listening to podcasts, doing puzzles, dancing,  and reading.  The dancing is new and I'm a bit shy about it so I only do it alone, in my basement, when no one is watching.  Podcasts have slowly overtaken my reading, as I find I am better at listening than reading these days.  The puzzles really overtook my crocheting hobby when covid hit, as I found them to be a better distraction for my busy, anxious brain when we were all stuck at home with nothing else to do.  But my all-time favorite pastime is a long, hot bath.  Nothing fills my tank more than a quiet soak in the tub.


On the business side of things, I am currently registered with the Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (SANP) to practice acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine in Saskatchewan.  I am a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), which advocates federally for rights and recognition of Naturopathic Medicine.  I am also certified by the Bowen College of Vancouver, BC to practice Bowen Therapy.

Meet Dr. Marcoux, ND


New Beginnings is a family-oriented, child-friendly, naturopathic practice.  Dr. Marcoux, ND sees patients for any and all concerns and treats all age groups.  Caregivers are always welcome to bring their children to their visit if needed, as the office is child-friendly and well-stocked with toys and games. 


Dr. Marcoux, ND's areas of special interest and additional training include:

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Fertility and Pregnancy Support
Happy Children
Pediatric Health
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Digestive Health
Energy and 
Adrenal/Thyroid Health
Hormone Health
Yoga Pose
Stress, Sleep, and Lifestyle  Management
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Bowen Therapy

Dr. Marcoux currently practices at New Earth Therapy in downtown Saskatoon. 

For more information on any of the services listed above, please visit the New Earth Therapy website using the link provided below.


Optimal Health Starts Here

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Dr. Marcoux currently practices at New Earth Therapy in Saskatoon, SK



#4 - 305 Idylwyld Drive North

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